With Years of Dealing LED Screens. EXCEL LED found out that some Customers and Partners want to do LED screen Rental Business,but they are short of funds to get brand new LED screen. And At meantime they want a reliable LED screen Supplier to help them and see if can find Fairly Used LED screen for them but with good condition.
It happens that EXCEL LED has a lot of domestic Customers who are into LED screen Rental Business and also knew a lot of friends own big media companies does LED screen Rental Business,while upgrade their LED screen equipments very often. So find out that we should help both of them from domestic and abroad.
While EXCEL LED engineers all have over 13 Years experience in LED screen industry and they know how to identify the led screen quality for our customers. All Fairly used Screen we collected from media companies are well maintained.
Once we got the LED screen our engineers will fix all the issues on the screen i.e dead led lamps and do aging test before shipping. To make sure all fairly used LED screen 100% in good condition.
For all fairly Used Screen that Excel LED collected from media companies we also offer 1 Year Warranty.
Nowadays LED screen industry quality is quite mixed. Many LED screen factories No bottom line for quality. So Instead of get cheap brand new screen,the used LED screen is better choice. Because all the used Screen we collected are from big companies who bought excellent quality led screen Screens. The performance and lifespan too much better than cheap low quality brand new LED screen in the market.